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Bluestacks: The Ultimate Way to Play Clash Royale on Your PC


Clash Royale Bluestacks APK: How to Play Clash Royale on PC

Do you love playing Clash Royale, the popular real-time strategy game from Supercell? Do you wish you could play it on a bigger screen with better graphics and performance? If so, you're in luck. In this article, we'll show you how to download and install Clash Royale Bluestacks APK on your PC, and how to enjoy the best gaming experience with Bluestacks, the world's most popular mobile gaming platform for Windows and Mac.

What is Clash Royale?

Clash Royale is an online multiplayer game where you face off against other players in fast-paced duels. You can choose from a variety of characters from the Clash of Clans universe, such as Giants, Barbarian Kings, Wall Breakers, Archers, and many more. You can also collect and upgrade cards, build your own decks, and join clans to share cards and participate in clan wars.

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Clash Royale is a game that combines strategy, skill, and luck. You have to deploy your troops wisely, use your spells effectively, and manage your elixir efficiently. You also have to adapt to different arenas, modes, and challenges. Clash Royale is a game that never gets boring, as there is always something new to discover and enjoy.

What is Bluestacks?

Bluestacks is a mobile gaming platform that allows you to play Android games on your PC or Mac. It is 100% safe and free to use. With Bluestacks, you can access millions of games from various genres, such as RPG, strategy, action, puzzle, casual, and more. You can also play games online or offline, depending on your preference.

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Bluestacks has many advantages over playing games on your mobile device. For instance, you can enjoy a larger screen size, higher resolution, faster performance, better sound quality, and more comfortable controls. You can also customize your keyboard and mouse settings, record and stream your gameplay, take screenshots and videos, chat with other players, and earn rewards for playing games.

How to download and install Clash Royale Bluestacks APK on PC

If you want to play Clash Royale on your PC with Bluestacks, you need to follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Download Bluestacks from the official website

Go to and click on the "Download" button. This will start downloading the installer file for Bluestacks 10 or Bluestacks 5, depending on your choice. Both versions are compatible with Windows 7 or higher and Mac OS X 10.12 or higher.

Step 2: Install Bluestacks on your PC

Once the download is complete, open the installer file and follow the instructions on the screen. The installation process may take a few minutes, depending on your system specifications. After the installation is done, you will see a shortcut icon on your desktop or in your start menu for Bluestacks.

Step 3: Launch Bluestacks and sign in with your Google account

Double-click on the Bluestacks icon to launch the app player. You will be asked to sign in with your Google account, which is required to access the Google Play Store and other Google services. If you don't have a Google account, you can create one for free. You can also skip this step if you want to use other app stores or APK files.

Step 4: Search for Clash Royale in the Bluestacks app store or download the APK from Uptodown

There are two ways to get Clash Royale on Bluestacks. One is to search for it in the Bluestacks app store, which is powered by the Google Play Store. You can find it by typing "Clash Royale" in the search bar and clicking on the "Install" button. The other way is to download the APK file from a third-party website, such as Uptodown. You can find it by going to and searching for "Clash Royale". Then, click on the "Download" button and save the file on your PC.

Step 5: Install and open Clash Royale on Bluestacks

If you chose the first method, you can simply open Clash Royale from the Bluestacks app store or from the "My Games" tab. If you chose the second method, you need to drag and drop the APK file onto the Bluestacks window or click on the "Install APK" button in the bottom right corner. Then, browse to the location of the APK file and select it. This will install Clash Royale on Bluestacks. After that, you can open it from the "My Games" tab or from the home screen.

How to play Clash Royale on PC with Bluestacks

Now that you have Clash Royale on your PC, you can start playing it with Bluestacks. Here are some tips and tricks to enhance your gaming experience:

Customize your keyboard and mouse controls for optimal gameplay

One of the best features of Bluestacks is that it allows you to customize your keyboard and mouse controls for any game. You can access this feature by clicking on the "Keyboard" icon in the bottom right corner of the Bluestacks window. This will open a menu where you can assign keys or mouse buttons to different actions, such as deploying troops, using spells, zooming in or out, etc. You can also use predefined keymaps or create your own. You can save your settings and switch between them anytime.

Enjoy the full HD graphics and smooth performance of Bluestacks

Another great feature of Bluestacks is that it offers full HD graphics and smooth performance for any game. You can adjust the graphics settings by clicking on the "Settings" icon in the top right corner of the Bluestacks window. This will open a menu where you can change the resolution, frame rate, display mode, DPI, etc. You can also enable or disable features such as high frame rates, smart controls, game notifications, etc. You can also check your system requirements and compatibility by clicking on the "System Info" icon in the same menu.

Access exclusive features and rewards from Bluestacks

The last but not least feature of Bluestacks is that it offers exclusive features and rewards for playing games. You can access these features by clicking on the "Bluestacks World" icon in the top left corner of the Bluestacks window. This will open a menu where you can explore various categories, such as events, quests, collections, deals, etc. You can also earn points and coins by playing games, completing tasks, watching videos, etc. You can use these points and coins to redeem rewards, such as gift cards, gaming accessories, premium subscriptions, etc.


In conclusion, playing Clash Royale on PC with Bluestacks is a great way to enjoy this amazing game on a bigger screen with better graphics and performance. You can also customize your controls, access exclusive features and rewards, and have more fun with Bluestacks. All you need to do is download and install Clash Royale Bluestacks APK on your PC following our easy steps above. So what are you waiting for? Start playing Clash Royale on PC with Bluestacks today!

FAQs - Q: Is Clash Royale free to play? - A: Yes, Clash Royale is free to play. However, it also offers in-app purchases for gems, gold, chests, cards, etc - Q: Is Bluestacks safe and legal to use? - A: Yes, Bluestacks is safe and legal to use. It does not contain any malware or viruses, and it does not violate any terms of service or policies of the games or apps. However, you should always download Bluestacks from the official website and avoid any third-party sources. - Q: Can I play Clash Royale on PC without Bluestacks? - A: Yes, you can play Clash Royale on PC without Bluestacks. However, you will need to use another Android emulator, such as NoxPlayer, LDPlayer, MEmu, etc. These emulators have similar features and functions as Bluestacks, but they may have different compatibility and performance issues. - Q: Can I sync my Clash Royale progress between my mobile device and PC? - A: Yes, you can sync your Clash Royale progress between your mobile device and PC. All you need to do is sign in with the same Google account or Supercell ID on both devices. This will allow you to access your game data, such as your level, trophies, cards, clans, etc., on both devices. - Q: Can I play Clash Royale with my friends on PC? - A: Yes, you can play Clash Royale with your friends on PC. You can invite them to join your clan, chat with them, send them friendly requests, or challenge them to a 2v2 battle. You can also join tournaments or special events with them. You can also use Bluestacks' voice chat feature to communicate with them during the game. - Q: How can I get more gems and gold in Clash Royale? - A: There are several ways to get more gems and gold in Clash Royale. You can earn them by completing quests, opening chests, winning battles, participating in clan wars, etc. You can also buy them with real money from the shop or redeem them with Bluestacks points and coins. 44f88ac181

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